AM 8:00 - PM 18:00?
  • KRACHT Hydraulic Gear Pump PK 1/20 F1LB X00 2KL2/306 PK1/20F1LBX002KL2/306
Name:KRACHT Hydraulic Gear Pump PK 1/20 F1LB X00 2KL2/306 PK1/20F1LBX002KL2/306
➤:KRACHT Hydraulic Gear Pump PK 1/20 F1LB X00 2KL2/306 PK1/20F1LBX002KL2/306
№:PK 1/20 F1LB X00 2KL2/306 PK1/20F1LBX002KL2/306,P.0157000017
Condition:Brand new
Gearing Internal - External:
Pressure max of range:
Capacity max of range:
Permitted input torques::
Rotation, suction connection:
Mounting flange:
Shaft end:

Product Description


KRACHT Hydraulic Gear Pump PK 1/20 F1LB X00 2KL2/306 PK1/20F1LBX002KL2/306

Description: KRACHT Hydraulic Gear Pump

Part no.: 

PK 1/20 F1LB X00 2KL2/306,





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